20.06.2017 The Hildon Archie David Cup: Flying Kiwis / Tempest 11 vs Previse Polo Team 5; Shalimar 5 vs Strategic Help for Heroes 3 and Yaguara 6 vs Emsworth Polo Grounds 4
Created 27-Sep-24
Modified 27-Sep-24

16.06.2017 The Hildon Archie David Cup: Tayto 8 vs Flying Kiwis / Tempest 0, Limitless / Silvertown 7 vs Tashan 6 and Cuervos Negros 6 vs Tattleton 4
Created 27-Sep-24
Modified 27-Sep-24

13.06.2017 The Hildon Archie David Cup: Limitless/Silvertown Properties 8 vs Las Aguilas 5,5 and BHC 7 vs Flying Kiwis/Tempest 5
Created 27-Sep-24
Modified 27-Sep-24

09.06.2017 The Hildon Archie David Cup: Union Polo Team 6 vs Cuervos Negros 5
Created 27-Sep-24
Modified 27-Sep-24

08.06.2016 The Hildon Archie David Cup: Shalimar 7 vs Foxcote 2 and Tayto 10 vs Previse Polo Team 5
Created 27-Sep-24
Modified 27-Sep-24
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